Sunday, August 22, 2010

Elijah is all ready for WWE Raw Live Tour

July 24th - We were on our way to the Hirsch Colliseum to see WWE Raw Live on tour. We had a BLAST!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Elijah @ The Air Show

Here is a picture of Elijah at the Air Show today at Barksdale. He's actually sitting inside of an actual Black Hawk.............. sitting next to Mojo the skeleton.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pics of Elijah and his favorite two people.

Just some pics of Elijah and his two little cousins.

**Elijah Does The Macarena**

As many of us know, Elijah is now a wrestling enthuiast. We watch the WWE brands (Raw & Smackdown), he's has the shirts, caps, lunch bag, action name it. Well, the tightie whities that he is wearing are supposed to be his wrestling!He'll probably kill me when he get's older but for now let's just sit back and enjoy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Visit to the Alligator Park

Today we visited the Alligator Park in Natchitoches. It is something that Derrick has been wanting to do wit Elijah since he was first born and today he got to do it. Elijah was too excited! He fed the deer, goats and the miniature goats. Now, he said that this was totally gross because they were eating the food from his hands leaving them extremely wet with saliva but he couldn't stop feeding them. He said it was so much fun. I, on the other hand was about to faint. I kept wiping his hands with hand sanitizer wipes and wet wipes in addition to pumping hand sanitizer at every dispenser we passed (trust me, there are ton of them). Here a video and a couple of pics. Oh by the way, he saw another little girl who he said was "Hot!".

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Missing Two Front Teeth...................

This video was taken just days before he turned 6 years old. He had his two front teeth kicked out in school. Don't worry, both were already lo0se. We were discussing ice cream when he said he loves ice cream but he doesn't like pistachio. The video shows what takes place next.

Elijah Wants A Girlfriend

So yesterday when I pick Elijah up from school he has an awesome "Monday Folder" and as his reward he choses to go to CiCi's. We fix our plates and drinks and take a seat. Moments later a little girl who is about Elijah's age comes in with her mother. I get up to get soda refills and when I return to my seat Elijah is turned completely backwards smiling the biggest grin and making googly eyes at the little girl. I tell him to turn around and leave that little girl alone. His response, "But mama I want a girlfriend so I'm flirting with that Hot Chick. I love Hot Chicks". I'm dumbfound because up until this very moment he had not interest in girls in that way and I had convinced him that I am his girlfriend until he is 18 years old. I explain to him that we do not call girls "hot chicks" and that I thought that I was still his girlfriend. He responds again, "But I need a girlfriend that is not my mother, that's so thick as you are and someone that is I'm giving her "sexy eyes". After trying to convince him that he is much too young for a girlfriend, I gave up with no success. I did; however, convince him that it is not nice to refer to girls as "hot chicks". Not a total loss, huh?