Saturday, April 10, 2010

Visit to the Alligator Park

Today we visited the Alligator Park in Natchitoches. It is something that Derrick has been wanting to do wit Elijah since he was first born and today he got to do it. Elijah was too excited! He fed the deer, goats and the miniature goats. Now, he said that this was totally gross because they were eating the food from his hands leaving them extremely wet with saliva but he couldn't stop feeding them. He said it was so much fun. I, on the other hand was about to faint. I kept wiping his hands with hand sanitizer wipes and wet wipes in addition to pumping hand sanitizer at every dispenser we passed (trust me, there are ton of them). Here a video and a couple of pics. Oh by the way, he saw another little girl who he said was "Hot!".

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